Fremantle Press welcomes unsolicited manuscripts from authors of Western Australian origin or whose main place of residence is Western Australia. Work by non–Western Australian authors will be considered when the subject matter has a strong Western Australian focus. This applies to all genres we publish.
Receipt of submissions will be acknowledged electronically. We endeavour to review all submissions within ten weeks. If there is interest in your submission, you will be contacted within this period. Otherwise, you will receive an automatic email advising you that we are not able to accept your manuscript for publication.
Every submission must include a brief synopsis (200 words), an author biography (200 words) and a brief description of intended readership (200 words).
Your manuscript must be typed, page-numbered and submitted as a Word document or pdf file. Before submitting, please consult the guidelines for your genre by clicking 'More'.
We thank you for the opportunity to consider your work.
NOTE: Unsolicited submissions for poetry are currently open. They will close on 30 April 2025.
Unsolicited manuscripts for fiction and narrative non-fiction are currently closed. They re-open on 15 August 2025.
Entries for the biennial Fogarty Literary Award will open on 15 March 2025 and will remain open until 18 April 2025. This award is for Western Australian writers aged 18 to 35 (see below).
If you are a Western Australian writer who is yet to have published a work of fiction or narrative non-fiction, please consider entering the biennial City of Fremantle Hungerford Award in early 2026.
Agents and returning authors can contact or the relevant publisher for information on how to submit.
This category includes picture books, books for junior and middle readers, and books for young adults.
We do not publish textbooks for children.
In the case of picture books, images are not required unless you are both the author and the illustrator of this work. If you are both, please do include sample images with your submission. If you are not an illustrator, text only is fine.
Returning authors or agents can contact the relevant publisher for a submission link.
This category includes short story collections.
Short story collections will be considered but please note that we will be in touch with you within 10 weeks ONLY if we would like to consider the contents of your collection for possible future anthologies, or with an invitation to submit longer-form work. Otherwise, you will not receive a response from us.
ALL manuscripts in this category should be a minimum of 45,000 words. Please send your entire manuscript.
Please note submissions of single stories will not be read and you will receive no further response from us.
Returning authors or agents can contact the relevant publisher for a submission link.
This category can include a broad range of topics such as biography, history, popular science, sport and gardening, as well as books featuring photography and fine art.
If your non-fiction submission is primarily text-based (e.g. biography, history): Please upload your entire manuscript (minimum 45,000 words) as a single Word or pdf file. It must include a table of contents. Samples of visual material (diagrams, photographs, illustrations) may be included using the ‘Photos or visual material upload’ section. You may upload up to 10 supporting images as jpg, gif, tiff or png files. If you have more than 10 images, choose only your best 10.
If your non-fiction submission is primarily visual (e.g. a fully formed photography book or a book of botanical art): Please upload a fully outlined proposal of the book, with sample text if applicable, as well as a contents page. Use the ‘Photos or visual material upload’ section to upload a sample of your images – either multiple images as a single pdf file (preferred), or your best 10 images as high-resolution jpg, gif, tiff or png files. Please note that while we only request a sample of images, you will need to have in your own archives enough high-resolution visual content for a minimum of 100 pages.
NOTE: Unsolicited submissions for poetry are currently closed. They will re-open on 1 March 2025.
Please note that while we are open to considering work from established writers, our focus at this time is on the work of new and emerging poets.
Please send your entire manuscript (minimum 60 A4 pages).
Please note submissions of individual poems will not be read and you will receive no further response from us.
Note: this section is for submission of your online photography portfolio, from which Fremantle Press may occasionally request to license an image for use on our book covers.
If you have a proposal for a photography book, please submit it under our 'Non-fiction submissions' section.
Please include:
- Your full name, contact number and email address.
- The URL of your portfolio.
We will not reply to your portfolio submission, but your details will be kept on file and we will contact you should we wish to license an image.
Fremantle Press uses the services and maintains folios of freelance illustrators and artists of Western Australian origin or whose normal place of residence is Western Australia.
To submit sample work please compile a full colour, single, one-sided, A3 sheet as a pdf, including:
- Your full name, contact number and email address.
- Examples of your work.
Proudly sponsored by the Fogarty Foundation, Fremantle Press and the Centre for Stories
The prize is biennial and is awarded to an unpublished manuscript by a Western Australian author aged between 18 and 35 for a work of adult fiction, narrative non-fiction or young adult fiction. The winner receives a cash prize of $20,000 and a publishing contract with Fremantle Press.
ENTRIES: Open on Wednesday 15 March 2025and close at 11.59 WST on Tuesday 18 April 2025.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Shortlisted authors will be notified by phone or email in mid-May. The winner will be announced at a special event in late May early June 2025.
SUBMISSIONS: All submissions are to be made electronically. Before commencing your submission please carefully read the terms of use. Also make sure you have a 100-word biography, a provisional title for your work and that you know the word count of your manuscript. Please note: if you are shortlisted for this prize, proof of your age and of your current Western Australian residency will be required.
MORE INFORMATION: If you require assistance with your electronic submission, or for any other inquiries, please contact Fremantle Press on (08) 9430 6331.